Introduction & Theoretical Background
Within compassion focused therapy (CFT) one commonly used method for understanding client difficulties is the ‘three systems’ conceptualization (Dale-Hewitt & Irons, 2015). This model proposes ‘threat’, ‘drive’ and ‘soothing-affiliative’ motivational systems and describes difficulties in terms of the function and relative balance of these three systems.
The threat system evolved to make organisms pay attention to sources of potential danger, and to take steps to neutralize or avoid the threat.
The drive system evolved to activate animals, energizing them to move towards things that might be useful for their survival. This might include resources such as food, territory, or mates.
The soothing system evolved to help animals to slow down, to rest and recuperate. Linked to a branch of your parasympathetic nervous system, it naturally helps to bring balance to the more energized aspects of your threat and drive systems.
The Three Systems is a track taken from the Psychology Tools For Developing