Introduction & Theoretical Background
Compassion focused therapy (CFT) is a form of psychological therapy developed by Professor Paul Gilbert and which integrates ideas from cognitive therapy, evolutionary science, neuroscience, and Buddhist philosophy. On helpful concept within CFT is the idea of the tricky brain.
To simplify our understanding of the human brain we can talk about ‘old brain’ abilities and ‘new brain’ abilities. The human brain contains structures that evolved long ago, and which underpin basic functions and motives such as avoiding harm, an interest in food, reproduction, and also to be caring. This ‘old brain’ is also involved in emotions that support these motives such as anxiety, anger, and sadness, and behaviors such as fight, flight, and submissiveness.
About a million years ago, our human ancestors started to develop along a line that led to what CFT calls ‘new brain abilities’, which are linked to the prefrontal cortex. The evolution of this part of our