Our sense of balance is the result of a complex system which receives visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive inputs. This Balance client information handout explains the operation of the balance control system.

Languages this resource is available in
- Albanian
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Problems this resource might be used to address
Techniques associated with this resource
Mechanisms associated with this resource
Human balance relies upon input from multiple systems: the vestibular system, the proprioceptive system, and the visual system. The brain's balance control system integrates input from these systems and combines them to produce a sense of balance (and to allow it to produce motor outputs to help you to stay upright). This information sheet can be used to help educate clients about the balance system, and can form part of treatment for conditions such as chronic dizziness.
Therapist Guidance
This is a Psychology Tools information handout. Suggested uses include:
- Client handout - use as a psychoeducation resource
- Discussion point - use to provoke a discussion and explore client beliefs
- Therapist learning tool - improve your familiarity with a psychological construct
- Teaching resource - use as a learning tool during training