Introduction & Theoretical Background
Values are an important source of motivation and meaning (Hitlin & Piliavin, 2004). They have some important characteristics (Harris, 2019):
- Values are desired. People choose values that capture how they want to behave. They do not act in these ways based on logic, external pressure, or moral principles, but because it matters to them.
- Values are global qualities. Values can unite and coordinate different behaviors over time. For instance, a person can express their value of being compassionate in multiple ways.
- Values are ongoing actions. They are dynamic and evolving “ways of living” or “life directions” that people pursue, such as living lovingly, playfully, or with perseverance (Hayes, 2019). These values can be lived with your family, at work, in your relationships, or in other contexts.
- Choice is integral to values. People construct and choose their values without needing to explain, justify, or rationalize them (Hayes et al., 2012).
Unfortunately, people often lose touch with