Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (RFCBT)

Repetitive thinking is a critical transdiagnostic mechanism that is implicated in the onset and maintenance of depression and anxiety. We can conceptualize repetitive thinking about the future as ‘worry,’ and repetitive thinking about the past as ‘rumination.’ Repetitive thinking can be a maintenance factor in conditions including anxiety and depression. Rumination-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (RFCBT) as described by Watkins (2016) involves the components of:

  • a longitudinal case formulation which views rumination as a learned behavior;

  • the use of diaries to notice rumination and avoidance;

  • functional analysis to examine the context and function of rumination and avoidance;

  • behavioral experiments to examine the effect of different modes of thinking (why vs. how);

  • behavioral activation;

  • focus on the patient’s values;

  • relapse prevention.

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  • Watkins, E. R. (2016). Rumination-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression. New York: Guilford.