Relapse Management / Relapse Prevention

Lapse and relapse management isn’t just important for substance misuse work. Any time a client has learned a new coping strategy and is attempting to put it into practice they are vulnerable to relapsing and using other (less adaptive) coping strategies. Relapse management can be used to reinforce use of the new coping strategy. Note the term relapse management rather than relapse prevention—when relapse occurs then ‘prevention’ indicates failure whereas ‘management’ promotes the idea of coping.

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Links to external resources

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Guides and workbooks

  • Relapse prevention pack | National Phobics Society

Information (Professional)


Treatment Guide

  • Relapse prevention basics | Hazelden
  • Counselor’s Manual For Relapse Prevention With Chemically Dependent Criminal Offenders | USDHHS | 1996
  • Clinical guidelines for implementing relapse prevention therapy | Marlatt, Parks, Witkiewitz | 2002

Recommended Reading

  • Larimer, M. E., Palmer, R. S., Marlatt, G. A. (2000). Relapse prevention: An overview of Marlatt’s cognitive-behavioural model. Alcohol Research and Health, 23(2), 151-160
  • Marlatt, G. A., & George, W. H. (1984). Relapse prevention: Introduction and overview of the model.Addiction,79(3), 261-273
  • Marlatt, G. A., Parks, G. A., & Witkiewitz, K. (2002). Clinical guidelines for implementing relapse prevention therapy. Addictive Behaviors Research Center, Departament of Psichology, University of Washington.
  • Parks, G. A., Anderson, B. K., & Marlatt, G. A. (2004). Relapse prevention therapy.The essential handbook of treatment and prevention of alcohol problems, 87