29th August 2023 Newsletter

Psychology Tools
This week we're adding five more resources to our 'Exposures for....' series, which covers a range of suggested exercises for commonly experienced fears. We're also publishing two Polish translations from our Understanding... series of guides: Understanding Perfectionism and Understanding Psychosis.
In our research roundup, we cover a systematic review exploring the ethical dilemmas experienced by therapists in the age of social media. We also highlight a review looking at the predictors of response to CBT in the treatment of OCD. Enjoy!
New Resources
'Exposures for...' series
Exposure is one of the most effective interventions for overcoming fear, and an essential treatment component for many conditions. The complete series covers many commonly held fears, with each handout providing a range of exposure exercises for addressing a specific difficulty. The series also includes helpful guidance for practitioners, such as theoretical details, suggested questions and prompts for extra direction.
More resources in this series are available to download today: Exposures For Fear Of Uncertainty, Exposures For Fear Of Vomiting.
The series is accessible for anyone with a paid membership – Basic, Advanced, or Complete.
New Polish Translations

Understanding Perfectionism
Our Understanding... series is a collection of psychoeducation guides for common mental health conditions. Understanding Perfectionism is designed to help clients with perfectionistic tendencies understand more about themselves.

Understanding Psychosis
Up to 1 in 10 people say that they have heard voices, or seen things that aren’t there at least once in their lifetime. This friendly and explanatory guide gives clear descriptions of psychotic symptoms and treatment options, as well as exploring maintenance factors.
Latest Research

Ethical Issues Related to Therapist Social Media Usage
Many therapists use social media, which raises important ethical questions in both their personal and professional lives. This research paper examines ethical guidelines regarding therapist social media use, the challenges social media creates, and the potential risks involved. It also explores various ethical dilemmas, such as client-therapist searches, privacy concerns, and blurred professional boundaries. The authors conclude that addressing these ethical dilemmas is a crucial issue for therapists in relation to maintaining trust, protecting privacy, and ensuring the integrity of the therapeutic relationship in the digital age.
As social media becomes increasingly integrated and normalised within society, ethical dilemmas around social media use will continue to grow. Thus, it is imperative that therapists have considered these issues and professional bodies have considered what might be construed as malpractice.
White, E., & Hanley, T. (2023). Current ethical dilemmas experienced by therapists who use social media: A systematic review. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.

Predictors of Response to CBT for OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is often treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), but it is not always effective. This study aimed to identify predictors of treatment outcomes for adults with OCD receiving CBT. Baseline OCD symptom severity yielded mixed results as a predictor. Interestingly, demographic variables and psychological comorbidities did not appear to significantly predict treatment response. However, pretreatment variables like OCD severity and past CBT treatment, as well as within-treatment factors such as poor working alliance and low treatment adherence, showed potential as predictors. Interestingly, one study showed that overvalued ideas about OCD symptoms might have a negative effect on therapy outcomes. These findings suggest that assessing these factors before treatment may help tailor treatment plans for individuals with OCD.
McDonald, S., Melkonian, M., Karin, E., Dear, B. F., Titov, N., & Wootton, B. M. (2023). Predictors of response to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): a systematic review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-18.
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